Inference with Reference Data

In this tutorial we show how to optimize and sample the posterior distribution of a Bayesian inference problem.

Problem Description

In this example we will solve the inverse problem of estimating the Variables of a linear model using noisy data. We consider the computational model,

\[f(x;\vartheta) = \vartheta_0 + \vartheta_1 x \,,\]

for \(x\in\mathbb{R}\). We assume the following error model,

\[y = f(x;\vartheta) + \varepsilon \,,\]

with \(\varepsilon\) a random variable that follows normal distribution with zero mean and \(\sigma\) standard deviation. This assumption leads to the likelihood function,

\[p(y|\varphi,x) = \mathcal{N} ( \,y \,| \, f(x;\vartheta), \sigma^2 \,) \,.\]

where \(\varphi=(\vartheta,\sigma)\) is the parameter vector that contains the computational variables and the variables of the statistical model.

The data on which we condition our posterior distribution is defined in the model (see source code).

We call this data set \(d=\{x_i,y_i\}_{i=1}^5\). Assuming that each datum is independent, the likelihood of $d$ under the linear model is given by

\[p(y|\vartheta,x) = \prod_{i=1}^6 \mathcal{N} ( \,y_i \,| \, f(x_i,\vartheta), \sigma^2 \,) \,.\]

In order to identify the distribution of \(\varphi\) conditioned on the observations \(d\) we use Bayes’ theorem

\[p(\varphi | y,x) = \frac{ p(y|\varphi,x) \, p(\varphi) }{ p(y) } \, .\]

As a prior information we choose the uniform distribution in \([-5,5]\) for \(\vartheta\) and the uniform distribution in \([0,10]\) for \(\sigma\).

The Objective Function

Create a folder named model. Inside, create a file with name and paste the following code,

#!/usr/bin/env python

def model( s, x ):

    v1 = s["Parameters"][0]
    v2 = s["Parameters"][1]

    result = [ ]
    for i in range(len(x)):
      result.append(v1*x[i] + v2)

    s["Reference Evaluations"] = result

This function corresponds implements the computational model that corresponds to \(f(x\vartheta) = \vartheta_0 + \vartheta_1 x\). Note: The following might be outdated: The object s must be of type Korali::modelData This class provides the methods getParameter and addResult. For a detailed presentation see [here]

In the same file add the following functions that return the data presented in the table above,

def getReferenceData():
  return y

def getReferencePoints():
  return x

Optimization with CMA-ES

First, open a file and import the korali module

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import korali

Import the computational model,

import sys
from posteriorModel import *

The Korali Experiment Object

Next we construct a Korali.Experiment object and set the computational model, where we already pass the data,

e = korali.Experiment()
e["Problem"]["Computational Model"] = lambda sampleData: model(sampleData, getReferencePoints())

The reference points x returned by getReferencePoints() correspond to the input variables of the model. The function that is passed to Korali should not have an argument for x. We have to create an intermediate lambda function that will hide x from korali.

lambda sampleData: model(sampleData, getReferencePoints())

The Problem Type

The Type of the Problem is characterized as Bayesian

e["Problem"]["Type"] = "Evaluation/Bayesian/Inference/Reference"

When the Type is Bayesian we must set the type of likelihood and provide a vector with the Reference Data to Korali,

e["Problem"]["Likelihood Model"] = "Additive Normal"
e["Problem"]["Reference Data"] = getReferenceData()

The Variables

We define two Variables of type Computational that correspond to \(\vartheta_0\) and \(\vartheta_1\). The prior distribution of both is set to Uniform.

e["Variables"][0]["Name"] = "a"
e["Variables"][0]["Bayesian Type"] = "Computational"
e["Variables"][0]["Prior Distribution"] = "Uniform 0"
e["Variables"][0]["Initial Mean"] = +0.0
e["Variables"][0]["Initial Standard Deviation"] = +1.0

e["Variables"][1]["Name"] = "b"
e["Variables"][1]["Bayesian Type"] = "Computational"
e["Variables"][1]["Prior Distribution"] = "Uniform 1"
e["Variables"][1]["Initial Mean"] = +0.0
e["Variables"][1]["Initial Standard Deviation"] = +1.0

The last parameter we add is of Type Statistical and corresponds to the variable \(\sigma\) in the likelihood function,

e["Variables"][2]["Name"] = "Sigma"
e["Variables"][2]["Bayesian Type"] = "Statistical"
e["Variables"][2]["Prior Distribution"] = "Uniform 2"
e["Variables"][2]["Initial Mean"] = +2.5
e["Variables"][2]["Initial Standard Deviation"] = +0.5

The Solver

Next, we choose the solver CMA-ES, the population size to be 24.

e["Solver"]["Type"] = "Optimizer/CMAES"
e["Solver"]["Population Size"] = 24

And activating one of its available termination criteria.

e["Solver"]["Termination Criteria"]["Max Generations"] = 100

We also need to configure the problem’s random distributions, which we referred to when defining our variables,

e["Distributions"][0]["Name"] = "Uniform 0"
e["Distributions"][0]["Type"] = "Univariate/Uniform"
e["Distributions"][0]["Minimum"] = -5.0
e["Distributions"][0]["Maximum"] = +5.0

e["Distributions"][1]["Name"] = "Uniform 1"
e["Distributions"][1]["Type"] = "Univariate/Uniform"
e["Distributions"][1]["Minimum"] = -5.0
e["Distributions"][1]["Maximum"] = +5.0

e["Distributions"][2]["Name"] = "Uniform 2"
e["Distributions"][2]["Type"] = "Univariate/Uniform"
e["Distributions"][2]["Minimum"] = 0.0
e["Distributions"][2]["Maximum"] = +5.0

For a detailed description of CMA-ES settings see CMAES

Finally, we configure the output, and then need to add a call to the run() routine to start the Korali engine.

e["File Output"]["Frequency"] = 5
e["Console Output"]["Frequency"] = 5

k = korali.Engine()


We are now ready to run our example: ./ The results are saved in the folder _korali_result/.


You can see the results of CMA-ES by running the command, python3 -m korali.plotter –dir _korali_result_cmaes

Sampling with TMCMC

To sample the posterior distribution, we set the solver to TMCMC sampler and set a few settings,

e["Solver"]["Type"] = "Sampler/TMCMC"
e["Solver"]["Population Size"] = 5000

For a detailed description of the TMCMC settings see TMCMC

Finally, we need to add a call to the run() routine to start the Korali engine.


We are now ready to run our example: ./

The results are saved in the folder _korali_result/.


You can see a histogram of the results by running the command python3 -m korali.plotter –dir _korali_result_tmcmc

Sampling with Nested Sampling

To sample the posterior distribution with the Nested sampler wa set a few settings,

e["Solver"]["Type"] = "Sampler/Nested"
e["Solver"]["Number Live Points"] = 1500
e["Solver"]["Resampling Method"] = "Ellipse" # (Default)

or instead use Mulit Ellipsoidal Sampling

e["Solver"]["Type"] = "Sampler/Nested"
e["Solver"]["Number Live Points"] = 1500
e["Solver"]["Resampling Method"] = "Multi Ellipse"

For a detailed description of the Nested Sampling settings see Nested

Finally, we need to add a call to the run() routine to start the Korali engine.


We are now ready to run our example: ./ respectively ./


You can see a histogram of the results by running the command python3 -m korali.plotter –dir _korali_result_nested